Wind Energy

Wind Power or Wind Energy is the energy that is stored in the wind, when the wind blows the energy (kinetic) that is stored in the wind can be harnessed and converted into electricity through wind turbines. They convert the kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical energy. This mechanical power can be used for specific tasks (such as grinding grain or pumping water) or can be converted into eletricity by a generator.

There are two types of wind turbines – on-shore (placed on land) and off-shore (placed in the oceans/seas). Since the winds are stronger in the sea the power produced by the off-shore wind turbines is higher than the on-shore turbines.
As per IRENA, “Accelerated wind power deployment, coupled with increased electrification, could deliver one-quarter (or nearly 6.3 gigatonnes) of the annual CO₂ emission reductions needed by 2050”.

Similar to solar energy, wind energy has huge potential to aid in reaching the goals of reduction targets, especially in island communities.