People Views on Climate Change

With the temperature hitting record high, most of the people are seeing and feeling the effects of climate change.

UNDP’s “Peoples’ Climate Vote” reflects over half the world’s population after results processed by the University of Oxford. 64% of people believe climate change is a global emergency, despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

According to Pew Research Center survey done in 16,254 adults in 17 countries, in almost all countries more than 50 per cent of people are concerned that climate change will harm them personally. Greece had the highest percentage of people, 57% who are very concerned about climate change harming them at some point in their lifetime.

A lot of people are concerned about climate change, then the real question comes how many of these people are actually doing something to prevent it and following a sustainable lifestyles. Therefore, just being concerned will not help, it requires collective and immediate actions.

