5 ways youth can help to combat climate change

1.     Don’t Be Afraid to Make Your Voice Heard

“Our house is on fire. I am here to say, our house is on fire.” Greta Thunberg (Youth Climate Activist). We are all in this together and every voice matters, everyone has a role to play, get involved in discussions, brainstorm potential solutions, being young does not mean you cannot do anything.

2.    Never Stop Learning

The more you learn, the more serious you will be about climate change and the better will be your contribution. Learn about rising global temperature, species extinction, air pollution, wildfires, rising sea levels, etc.

3.    Embrace Sustainability in Your Day-to-Day Life

You are never too young to make changes towards sustainable lifestyle, reducing plastic waste, minimising food waste, recycling, planting trees, eating less meat, etc are among steps you can take now. Never forget, your example can inspire the people around you.

4.    Spend Time Outdoors

Spending time in nature and connecting with nature will not only improve your mental and physical health but also also it is reminder of what climate advocacy is really about. Based on where you live, you can go to lakes, mountains, beach, park, forest, etc.

5.    Spread The Word

Share whatever you learn about climate change with your friends, family, teachers, online communities, etc. Remember we all are together in this so we have to take everyone along with us in the fight against climate change.

Let your creative and innovative mind flow to do whatever you can to prevent climate change.

Image Source – https://feature.undp.org/fighting-for-a-stolen-future/assets/img/6-UNDP-NYC-2019_youth_strike_0009.jpg

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